Monday, September 27, 2010

Malibu - Two Ferraris in Five Minutes

First spotting: 1:45 pm, Monday, September 27, 2010.
Ferrari 612.
Von's parking lot, Sunset and Pacific
Coast Highway.

As the owner parked and left his car, I had the courage to walk
around it and admire it. Suddenly, I heard a strange humming
sound emanating from the car. I assumed that it was some kind
of an alarm that would alert the owner if I got too close.

Second spotting: 1:50 pm. Monday, September 27
, 2010.
Ferrari F450-7, The
Getty Villa parking garage entrance.

I joined the crowd of gawkers. The owner was justifiably proud of
what appeared to be his new toy. The top was down, so you could
see inside. I said that I had now seen two Ferraris in five minutes
and asked if everyone in Malibu owned a Ferrari. He smiled.

Me and my dream car, Ferrari F458. Ferrari
showroom, San Francisco, August 1, 2005.

Until my two recent spottings in Malibu, this is as close as I ever
got to a real Ferrari. I have a friend in New York who keeps one at
his place in Water Mill on Long Island. He has offered to take me
for a ride, but I never managed to get there.

The Ferrari Story

Ferrari Photos

More Ferrari Photos

Now back to Malibu and Ferraris.

22 Ferraris drive thru Malibu

Ferrari F40 thrown in as closing gift with purchase of Malibu home

A personal footnote. If there is a Malibu Ferrari owner who would like to offer
me a ride, I would welcome it.

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